Release of Liability
(Thou shalt not sue)
I, ________________________[Participant's Name], and my heirs, in consideration of my participation in any event or activity including but not limited to walking, standing, sitting on the property, dock, chairs, swimming, diving, kayaking, pedal boating, paddleboarding, jumping on trampoline at James and Mary Swansburg's place of residence (dba Wasa Lake Guest House), hereby release the Swansburg Family (owners/operators), employees and agents, and any other people officially connected with this event or activity, from any and all liability for damage to or loss of personal property, sickness or injury from whatever source, legal entanglements, imprisonment, death, or loss of money, which might occur while participating in this event or activity. Specifically, I release said persons from any liability or responsibility for my physical condition, for the condition of any of the boats, equipment, dock, the lake, the property, and for the presence or actions of any other participants. I am aware of the risks of participation, which include, but are not limited to, the possibility of strained or sprained muscles and ligaments, broken bones and fatigue. I hereby state that I am in sufficient physical condition to accept a rigorous level of physical activity. I understand that participation in any of these events or activities is strictly voluntary and I freely choose to participate. I understand that James and Mary Swansburg (dba Wasa Lake Guest House) do not provide medical coverage for me. I verify that I will be responsible for any medical costs I incur as a result of my participation.
[Signature of Participant] [Date]